Summer is a time for growth and activity!

"The smell and taste of things remain poised a
long time, like souls, ready to remind us...."
Marcel Proust
In the summer, it is a time for consuming more liquids as well as more raw, fresh fruits and vegetables.  Typically we eat a lighter diet with higher water content foods and we are usually more active.  It is wonderful to be outdoors exercising and getting that fresh air.

Summer is a good season to experiment with special diets, such as fasting, or a raw food diet.

Here is a list of summer foods to enjoy to eat that are in season!

Fruits                                  Vegetables
apricot                                 artichoke
avocado                               beet
berries                                  bell pepper
  blackberry                          cabbage
  blueberry                            celery
  boysenberry                       chile pepper
  loganberry                          chive
  olallieberry                          corn
  raspberry                            cucumber
  strawberry                          eggplant
fig                                          green beans
grapefruit                              green peas
lemon                                    lettuce
lime                                       okra
melons                                  parsley
  cantaloupe                          radish
  casaba                                rhubarb
  crenshaw                            spinach
  honeydew                           squash (soft)
  musk                                        crookneck
  persian                                    scallop
  watermelon                             zuccini
nectarine                              sugar peas
orange                                  tomato
peach                                   watercress
plum                                     Beans
prickly pear                          green beans
tangelo                                 sprouted beans
tropical fruits                        Nuts & Seeds
  banana                               Sprouted
  guava                                 Grains
  mango                                Sprouted

Haas, Elson M. (1947) Staying Healthy With Nutrition. The complete guide to diet & Nutritional Medicine/Elson M. Haas with Buck Levin - 21st Century Edition Rev. and Updated 1992. Celestial Arts. Berkeley, Toronto


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