Getting Started!

Feeding yourself well, naturally, wholesomely, and in balance, will provide all the nutrients that you need to nourish yourself and vitality! 

The task of eating healthy may sound over-bearing and hard to do, but it is how we look at the task by calling "the diet" which turns us all away from eating healthy and only lasts for a small time-frame.  Instead of this approach, we should be looking for a lifestyle change!

Keeping the diet at 80% Good food to 20% not so good food choices is a great start to any lifestyle change because lets face it, every now and then we want to enjoy a piece of chocolate.

So let's get started!

The new four basic food group consists of:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole Grains & Legumes
- Proteins & Fats/Oils

Guidelines to follow when creating our ideal diet are:
Obtain & Consume the most wholesome, fresh and organic foods locally,
Choose meals that are simple in the number of foods,
And, vary the diet with local climate, activity level and time of year.

So take a few moments to reflect on this new lifestyle change!

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