Enjoying The Night Life

When it comes to partying, bodybuilders seem to have only two extremes. There are those who don't let bodybuilding slow them down—they go out as often as they like, staying out until the early morning and abusing alcohol and/or drugs. Then there are those who believe that they must never, under any circumstances go to a party or a nightclub, lest they destroy their physiques and set their gains back a decade.

night life

Whatever happened to moderation? Partying as if it's 1999 every weekend will definitely have a negative impact on your bodybuilding success, but you can still go out every once in a while and enjoy yourself. Just limit your late-night excursions to no more often than once a month, and go very easy on the alcohol (drugs are also obviously something you don't want to indulge in heavily, if at all). You might even find it's kind of amusing to be one of the few sober people in a club or at a party, as you get to sit back and observe the effects of intoxication on others. You don't need to stay out until dawn every time either. Two or three in the morning is plenty late. Try to arrange your schedule so that you can make up for lost sleep the following day, and be sure to eat a bit more the next day to make up for any meals you may have missed while painting the town red. You don't have to live like a monk to get bigger and stronger, so don't deny yourself the pleasure of occasionally going out and cutting loose.


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