How to Manage Acne During Pregnancy

Acne during pregnancy is very common. This is because the hormone level of an expecting mother gets very elevated. During this stage the skin is prone to breakouts, coupled with irritable feeling and discomfort. For some women, the presence of acne lowers their self-esteem even more. And so they try to look for the best medicine to treat acne the fastest and easiest way, without even consulting a doctor. This is a very dangerous decision, as pregnant mothers should never take anything without clearing it with their doctors first.

Treating acne during pregnancy requires cautious medication. However, there are medicines for acne that should be avoided or at least should be taken with doctor's prescription. Examples would be Accutane, Tetracycline, and Retin-A. If you use these medicines without going through the necessary precautions, they may harm you and your baby.

pregnant women acne

It is much safer for pregnant women not to take any medicines at all. Studies show that 25 to 35% of babies born by women who use Accutane develop birth defects. Such defects include heart failure, craniofacial problems, and central nervous system concerns.

Retin-A maybe one of the best acne ointments, but pregnant women should avoid using it. Although it is a topical ointment, 10% of its active ingredients run through the blood stream, with others crossing down to the placenta. The advice of your doctor's should be strictly followed before applying the ointment.

Tetracycline is an oral antibiotic that is used to treat respiratory infections as well as acne. Avoid tetracycline medicines during pregnancy. Taking them may lead to bone growth problems and teeth discoloration on your baby.

Though there are medicines that are available over-the-counter. The Benzoyl peroxide contains ingredients that are considered safe to treat acne during pregnancy. However, to manage acne during pregnancy, it is best to consult with your doctor before using it. Self-medication is never a good practice for pregnant women.


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