Health, our immune system and viruses - EATING ALIVE By Dr. John Matsen N.D.

"We are truly living in a sea of micro-organisms. A balance is in play between our immune system and these organisms, and a person with an active immune system has little to fear from these little guys. Infection is a word that must be used cautiously because many of these organisms are already found within us. An overgrowth is more of an indication of our own weakened state than a sign that these small creatures have any great powers of destruction. Many of these guys are natures recyclers. When we are done with our bodies they convert us to plant food so that the cycle of life can continue. Unfortunately, by weakening our vitality with poor diet and faulty digestion and absorption of toxins, we weaken our immune system so the critters think we're finished with our bodies and begin the composting process before we think we're done.
Improved diet, digestion and absorption usually result in quick improvement in the blood pictures. As free-radical levels decrease, consequent improvement in disease signs and symptoms usually soon follows."

"Most people are afraid of infections, whether viral, bacterial, yeast or fungal. If the truth is known, very few of these organisms could be called contagious. Even in an epidemic it's usually only a small portion of the population thats gets the "disease", and an even smaller portion of that succumbs to it. Most of the victims also suffer from obvious sanitations or nutritional problems, or weakened immunity due to old age, drug use, severe emotional stress or severe disease already existing. Many of the germs that people fear most have such delicate life cycles that it is only with the greatest difficulty that they can even be grown."

"Evidence is also appearing that vaccinations may be causing long term immune disorders. There are reasons believing that immunological challenge in the form of mass vaccination programs may now be precipitating aberrant immunological individuals who have suffered exaggarated effects from these injections of foreign disease agents. The real danger from mass vaccines...appears to be an indirect impairment of the immune system...since this effect is often delayed, indirect, and masked, its true nature, is seldom recognized."


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