Vitamin B Deficiency

Here is a list of persons which are most probable to suffer from Vitamin B deficiency: 

Alcohol abusers. Alcohol blocks your ability to absorb B vitamins and also makes you excrete them faster. Alcoholics are most likely to be deficient in thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and folic acid.

The elderly. You absorb less of some of the B's as you age. Also, elderly people who live alone or in nursing homes often don't eat properly and don't get enough B's from their food.

Smokers. Tobacco smoke decreases your absorption of B vitamins across the board.

People with chronic digestive problems. These people may not be absorbing enough B vitamins through their intestines.

People on strict diets. Vegetarians and vegans (vegetarians who don't eat any animal foods such as milk or eggs) may not get enough B vitamins. Vegetarian children and people following macrobiotic diets are especially at risk.

Vitamin B Deficiency


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