Choose Your Strategy of Training

Strategy can be defined as "a careful plan or method." It is the choosing of a specific set of tactics that will enable the student to accomplish their desired goal in an efficient and effective manner. The strategy they choose will depend upon the unique set of circumstances that have presented themselves. It will also depend on the amount of technical information the student has, as well as which attributes the student and his opponent possess.

It would be efficient to start by learning and practicing the mechanics of a specific technique. Next, you put some techniques together into two and three technique combinations. Next, you spar with it, and then finally, you review it. Let's start with the mechanics of a triangle and an arm lock. There are eight separate components of a triangle. There are seven separate components of an arm lock. To realistically put these two techniques together into an effective combination (while sparring) would require you to manipulate about fifteen different components within a short period of time (less than two seconds). Plus, you would have to set the first technique up by leading your opponent into it from a superior position. (As you can see, this is not an easy task to accomplish. Especially the first time you try it. This is why it is so important to master the mechanics of one technique before moving on to another one.) So, as you can see, this is a lengthy process. However, it is obtainable.

Once you can perform a technique reflexively where you no longer have to think about it, you can then move on to developing the specific attributes required to make that technique work.

Once you gain a handle on the mechanics and the attributes, you can then focus your efforts on developing a variety of strategies to set the technique up on a variety of opponent's. For example, how would you set up the technique on a bigger and stronger person? How would you set up the technique on a more experienced person? How do you set up the technique on an opponent who is faster than you are?

Start this new journey of yours by first identifying your weaknesses. Get rid of those weaknesses so that you can one day look back on them and say, "I remember when..." Find something that you're not good at and work hard to become good at it!


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