Fiber and Disease Prevention

Weight control. Fibrous foods contribute little energy and promote a feeling of fullness as they absorb water. A diet high in fiber-rich foods can promote weight loss if those foods displace concentrated fats and sweets.

Constipation, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea. Fibers that attract water into the digestive tract soften stools and relieve constipation and hemorrhoids. Otherfibers help to solidify watery stools.

Appendicitis. Fiber keeps the contents of the intestinal tract moving easily, which helps prevent bacterial infection.

Diverticulosis. Fiber stimulates the muscles of the digestive tract so that they retain their health and tone; this prevents the muscles from becoming weak and bulging out in places, as they do in diverticulosis.

Colon cancer. Fiber speeds up the passage of food materials through the digestive tract, thus helping to prevent exposure of the tissue to cancer-causing agents in food.

Heart disease. Some fibers bind cholesterol compounds and carry them out of the body with the feces, thus lowering the body’s cholesterol concentration and possibly the risk of heart disease.

Foods Rich In Fiber


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